Learn What the Irish Children's Program Is All About!
We will be holding virtual information meetings to introduce you to the joys of hosting a child from Belfast Northern Ireland. These children spend the month of July with Rochester area host families and offer a unique, multi-cultural opportunity for everyone involved.
The ICP looks for families with children ages 9-15 years old, but host families do come in many different varieties. From singles, married couples, to empty-nesters, all are welcome.
The Belfast children blend right in and the rewards can be immeasurable. Here's what one host had to say: "I'm happy to tell you that my family and I are traveling to Belfast today to attend our Irish daughter's wedding. Thanks to the ICP, we have formed a lifelong bond with our Belfast child and we are forever grateful for your amazing organization."
Send us a message on our Facebook page at facebook.com/irishchildrensprogram if you are interested in joining one of our virtual informational meetings
We will be holding virtual information meetings to introduce you to the joys of hosting a child from Belfast Northern Ireland. These children spend the month of July with Rochester area host families and offer a unique, multi-cultural opportunity for everyone involved.
The ICP looks for families with children ages 9-15 years old, but host families do come in many different varieties. From singles, married couples, to empty-nesters, all are welcome.
The Belfast children blend right in and the rewards can be immeasurable. Here's what one host had to say: "I'm happy to tell you that my family and I are traveling to Belfast today to attend our Irish daughter's wedding. Thanks to the ICP, we have formed a lifelong bond with our Belfast child and we are forever grateful for your amazing organization."
Send us a message on our Facebook page at facebook.com/irishchildrensprogram if you are interested in joining one of our virtual informational meetings